Abortion legislation

Legislation timeline

  • 1951: Decriminalisation of abortion
  • 1952: Legalisation of abortion (allowed on some grounds)
  • 1977: Liberalisation of abortion (on demand)

Source: Rožman, S. (2009). The Genesis of Political Thought Regarding Voluntary Interruption of Pregnancy in The Former Yugoslavia. Ars & Humanitas, 3(1-2), 301–325. https://doi.org/10.4312/ars.3.1-2.301-325

Abortion conditions

Ground Gestational limit
To save a woman’s life Not specified in the law
Because of foetal impairment Not specified in the law
To preserve a woman’s mental health
To preserve a woman’s physical health
For economic and social reasons
On request 10 weeks from LMP*

* Woman has to have clear judgment

Source: Act on Health Measures in Exercising Freedom of Choice in Childbearing (ZZUUP) (http://www.pisrs.si/Pis.web/pregledPredpisa?id=ZAKO408)

Legal conditions

  • Written consent by the woman
  • Pre-abortion consultation
  • Pre-abortion laboratory tests
  • Post-abortion consultation
  • Contraception evoked during at least 1 of the medical consultations.

Specific conditions for minors

  • None


  • Act on Health Measures in Exercising Freedom of Choice in Childbearing (ZZUUP) (http://www.pisrs.si/Pis.web/pregledPredpisa?id=ZAKO408)
  • United Nations publication (http://www.un.org/esa/population/publications/abortion/profiles.htm)
  • Rules on carrying out preventive health care at the primary level (Pravilnik za izvajanje preventivnega zdravstvenega varstva na primarni ravni) (http://www.pisrs.si/Pis.web/pregledPredpisa?id=NAVO59)

Practical conditions

Medical abortion conditions

Place Prescription 1st drug taken 2nd drug taken
OB/GYN department of a hospital/clinic Yes Yes Yes
Another physician office Yes Yes Yes
Midwife office No No No
Abortion centre/clinic
At home No Yes Yes

Source: Provided by our local expert

Practice changed due to Covid-19. Women can choose where to have an abortion.

Mandatory pre-abortion examinations

  • Blood group, rhesus factor, and clinical exam (not specified in the law).
  • In practice, gynaecological and ultrasound exams

Involved healthcare professionals

  • Surgical abortion: skilled, not specified in the law
  • Medical abortion: skilled, not specified in the law
  • In practice, providers are specialised in obstetrics and gynaecology


  • Data provided by our local expert
  • Act on Health Measures in Exercising Freedom of Choice in Childbearing (ZZUUP) (http://www.pisrs.si/Pis.web/pregledPredpisa?id=ZAKO408)
  • United Nations publication (http://www.un.org/esa/population/publications/abortion/profiles.htm)

Abortion statistics

Abortion rates per 1,000 women aged 15-49

Source: https://podatki.nijz.si/pxweb/sl/NIJZ%20podatkovni%20portal/?rxid=e5244ad7-5939-421b-be8a-97cb44c7d727

Overall number of induced abortions

Source: https://podatki.nijz.si/pxweb/sl/NIJZ%20podatkovni%20portal/?rxid=e5244ad7-5939-421b-be8a-97cb44c7d727

Abortion ratio per 1.000 live births: 172 (2022)

Source: https://nijz.si/publikacije/zdravstveni-statisticni-letopis-2022/

Abortions performed “on request”: 91% (2023)

Source: https://podatki.nijz.si/pxweb/sl/NIJZ%20podatkovni%20portal/

These are abortions until 10 weeks

Overall number of induced abortions vs. medical abortions

Source: Data provided by our local expert

Induced abortions per gestational age (2023)

Source: https://podatki.nijz.si/pxweb/sl/NIJZ%20podatkovni%20portal/?rxid=e5244ad7-5939-421b-be8a-97cb44c7d727

Place of abortion (2023)

Unfortunately we have no data for this country.


The official data presented on this website page refer to those performed in public hospitals. There are no legal abortions in private facilities.

Characteristics of women having induced abortion

Distribution of induced abortions according to woman age (2023)

Source: https://podatki.nijz.si/pxweb/sl/NIJZ%20podatkovni%20portal/?rxid=e5244ad7-5939-421b-be8a-97cb44c7d727

In 2023, among women who had induced abortion:

  • 91.5% lived in Slovenia
  • 29% had at least 1 previous induced abortion
  • 63% had at least 1 child.


  • https://podatki.nijz.si/pxweb/sl/NIJZ%20podatkovni%20portal/?rxid=e5244ad7-5939-421b-be8a-97cb44c7d727

Fertility and contraception

Fertility rates in women aged 15-49

Source: https://podatki.nijz.si/pxweb/sl/NIJZ%20podatkovni%20portal/?px_language=sl&px_db=NIJZ+podatkovni+portal&rxid=e5244ad7-5939-421b-be8a-97cb44c7d727

Women age at first birth

  • 29.7 years of age (2023).

Overall contraception data

In 2019, 80% of women aged 15-49 used a contraceptive method:

  • 22% used oral contraceptive, 16% withdrawal, 2% douching, 4% natural methods, 4% sterilisation, 23% barrier methods
  • 9% used intra-uterine device (IUD).

Pre-abortion contraception

  • In 2023, 31% of women who had abortion had a contraceptive method before abortion procedure.

Contraception during abortion process

  • IUD is placed at the first follow-up visit after 2-3 weeks after the procedure or later.
  • Implant is not available.


  • https://pxweb.stat.si/SiStat/en
  • https://nijz.si/wp-content/uploads/2024/03/Zdravje-zensk-v-Sloveniji.pdf page 82
  • Provided by our local expert

Country-specific characteristics

  • Abortion is taught during health care professionals’ (HCPs’) medical studies.
  • Physicians have the right to conscientiously object, except in case of medical emergency (new law on Provision of Health Care of 1992 and revision of the Code of Medical Ethics). About 1.4% of them counscientiously objected in 2023.
  • Both surgical and medical abortions are free of charge for insured resident women and for insured (Health national social security) non-resident women. Resident and non-resident women who are not insured have to pay €150 for medical abortion and €400 for surgical abortion.


  • Curriculum of Faculty of Medicine, Curriculum of Medical Chamber of Slovenia
  • Data provided by our local expert

Download statistics of Slovenia

The statistics presented are freely accessible and may be used, copied, displayed or distributed provided that their source is given. You can choose whether you prefer to download the statistics of the last 10 years or the full data set. Press one of the buttons to generate a report in PDF format for this country.

Abbreviations: EFTA = European Free Trade Association | EU = European Union | IUD = intra-uterine device | LARC = long-acting reversible contraception | LMP = last menstruation period | GYN = gynaecologist | HCP = health care professional | hCG = human chorionic gonadotropin | HIV = human immunodeficiency virus | OB = obstetrician | Rh = Rhesus | US = ultrasound

A special thanks to our correspondents for contributing in data collection.
Please contact info@exelgyn.com if you have additional data or would like to comment information

Page last updated: 23 December 2024