Abortion legislation

Legislation timeline

  • 1986: Abortion in Greece has been fully legalized since 1986, when Law 1609/1986 was passed effective from 3 July 1986.

Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Abortion_in_Greece

Abortion conditions

Ground Gestational limit
To save a woman’s life No limit
Because of foetal impairment 24 weeks from LMP
To preserve a woman’s mental health 19 weeks from LMP
To preserve a woman’s physical health No limit
For economic and social reasons
On request 12 weeks from LMP

Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Abortion_in_Greece

Legal conditions

Law 1609 also specifies that the abortion must be performed by a medical practitioner with a specialty in gynecology or obstetrics and with the assistance of an anesthesiologist; that the pregnant woman is informed of the consequences of terminating the pregnancy, including the state that the state can provide some protection for the mother and child, as well as other family planning topics; that the mother’s health is examined prior to the abortion; and that the hospital or private clinic where the abortion is performed meets particular specifications.

Specific conditions for minors

Girls under the age of 18 must get written permission from a parent or guardian before being allowed an abortion.


  • https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Abortion_in_Greece

Practical conditions

Medical abortion conditions

Place Prescription 1st drug taken 2nd drug taken
OB/GYN department of a hospital/clinic
Another physician office
Midwife office
Abortion centre/clinic
At home



Abortion statistics

Abortion rates per 1,000 women aged 15-39

Source: https://www.johnstonsarchive.net/policy/abortion/ab-greece.html

Overall number of induced abortions

Source: https://www.johnstonsarchive.net/policy/abortion/ab-greece.html

Abortion ratio per 1.000 live births: 235 (2015)

Source: https://www.johnstonsarchive.net/policy/abortion/ab-greece.html

Abortions performed “on request”: % ()


Overall number of induced abortions vs. medical abortions


Induced abortions per gestational age ()

Unfortunately we have no data for this country.


Place of abortion ()

Unfortunately we have no data for this country.


Characteristics of women having induced abortion


Unfortunately we have no data for this country.



Fertility and contraception

Fertility rates in women aged 15-49

Source: https://www.statistics.gr/en/statistics/-/publication/DKT75/-

Women age at first birth

  • 32.1 years of age (2021)


  • https://www.statistics.gr/en/statistics/-/publication/SPO03/-

Country-specific characteristics


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Abbreviations: EFTA = European Free Trade Association | EU = European Union | IUD = intra-uterine device | LARC = long-acting reversible contraception | LMP = last menstruation period | GYN = gynaecologist | HCP = health care professional | hCG = human chorionic gonadotropin | HIV = human immunodeficiency virus | OB = obstetrician | Rh = Rhesus | US = ultrasound

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Page last updated: 29 February 2024