Abortion legislation
Legal conditions
- Pre-abortion consultation (legal counselling) except in case of rape. The counselling must take place at a state-approved centre which differs from the abortion centre.
- Written consent by the woman
- Mandatory 3-day period between pre-abortion consultation and abortion procedure.
Specific conditions for minors
- Parent’s (or guardian’s) consent required for minors under 18 unless minors are considered to have sufficient decision-making ability.
Practical conditions
Mandatory pre-abortion examinations
- None
Involved healthcare professionals
- Surgical abortion: obstetrician/gynaecologist (OB/GYN) or another physician (except in Bavaria: only OB/GYN)
- Medical abortion: OB/GYN or another physician
The Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth (BMFSFJ) (https://www.bmfsfj.de/blob/95278/356f87878e2f128eb9aa85c1451430fb/schwangerschaftsberatung—218-englisch-data.pdf)
PRO FAMILIA Bundesverband (https://www.profamilia.de/)
Bundeszentrale für gesundheitliche Aufklärung BZgA (Federal Centre for Health Education) (http://www.familienplanung.de/beratung/schwangerschaftsabbruch/)
Bundesministerium für Familie, Senioren, Frauen und Jugend (BMFSFJ) (https://www.bmfsfj.de/bmfsfj/72628!search?query=Schwangerschaftsabbruch&newSearch=true)
Abortion statistics
Overall number of induced abortions
Source: https://www.gbe-bund.de/gbe/isgbe.fundstellen?p_uid=gast&p_aid=34762037&p_sprache=E&p_thema_id=920&p_action=TRT#wrap
Abortion ratio per 1.000 live births: 140 (2022)
Source: https://www.gbe-bund.de/gbe/isgbe.fundstellen?p_uid=gast&p_aid=34762037&p_sprache=E&p_thema_id=920&p_action=TRT#wrap
Abortions performed “on request”: 96.2% (2022)
Source: https://www.gbe-bund.de/gbe/isgbe.fundstellen?p_uid=gast&p_aid=34762037&p_sprache=E&p_thema_id=920&p_action=TRT#wrap
Overall number of induced abortions vs. medical abortions
Source: https://www.gbe-bund.de/gbe/isgbe.fundstellen?p_uid=gast&p_aid=34762037&p_sprache=E&p_thema_id=920&p_action=TRT#wrap
Induced abortions per gestational age (2023)
Source: https://www.gbe-bund.de/gbe/isgbe.fundstellen?p_uid=gast&p_aid=34762037&p_sprache=E&p_thema_id=920&p_action=TRT#wrap
Place of abortion (2023)
Source: https://www.gbe-bund.de/gbe/isgbe.fundstellen?p_uid=gast&p_aid=34762037&p_sprache=E&p_thema_id=920&p_action=TRT#wrap
Characteristics of women having induced abortion
In 2023, among women who had induced abortion:
- 100% lived in Germany
- **% had at least 1 previous induced abortion
- 58% had at least 1 child.
Fertility and contraception
Women age at first birth
- 30.3 years of age (2023)
Country-specific characteristics
A special thanks to our correspondents for contributing in data collection.
Please contact info@exelgyn.com if you have additional data or would like to comment information
Page last updated: 11 December 2024