Abortion legislation
Legal conditions
- Written request by the woman up to 12 weeks from LMP
- Pre-abortion consultation (legal counselling)
- Pre-abortion consultation with a social worker (if abortion after 12 weeks from LMP)
- Pre-abortion confirmation consultation
- Pre-abortion laboratory tests (if abortion after 12 weeks from LMP)
Specific conditions for minors
- Parent’s (or guardian’s) consent required for unmarried minors under 18; possibility of dispensation e.g., in case of religious minorities.
Practical conditions
Mandatory pre-abortion examinations
- Ultrasound examination mandatory after 12 weeks from LMP in order to assess the precise gestational age to obtain permission for abortion.
Involved healthcare professionals
- Surgical abortion: obstetrician/gynaecologist (OB/GYN)
- Medical abortion: OB/GYN or nurse
Abortion statistics
Overall number of induced abortions
Source: https://www.esundhed.dk/Emner/Graviditet-foedsler-og-boern/Provokerede-aborter
Abortion ratio per 1.000 live births: 231 (2018)
Source: https://thl.fi/en/web/thlfi-en/statistics/statistics-by-topic/sexual-and-reproductive-health/abortions/induced-abortions-in-the-nordic-countries
Abortions performed “on request”: % ()
Overall number of induced abortions vs. medical abortions
Source: https://www.esundhed.dk/Emner/Graviditet-foedsler-og-boern/Provokerede-aborter
Induced abortions per gestational age (2023)
Source: https://www.esundhed.dk/Emner/Graviditet-foedsler-og-boern/Provokerede-aborter
gestational age unknown: 5%
Place of abortion (2018)
Source: Data provided by our local expert
Characteristics of women having induced abortion
Fertility and contraception
Women age at first birth
- 30.0 years of age (2023)
Country-specific characteristics
A special thanks to our correspondents for contributing in data collection.
Please contact info@exelgyn.com if you have additional data or would like to comment information
Page last updated: 16 December 2024